RBS FC Red Bull Salzburg
WAC RZ Pellets WAC

50,000 Euro raised for Wings for Life Foundation

Donation made at big friendly match

Together with our fans we have been able to raise a total of 50,000 Euro for the Wings for Life Foundation over the past month. The money was raised from donations made by each kilometre run at the World Runs as well as collections from the Red Bull Arena.

The funds were presented to the foundation as part of the friendly match v  Liverpool. They are to be used fully for spinal cord research in the hope that they help to make progress on finding a cure for paraplegia.

Our Red Bulls encounter with WAC in the ADMIRAL Bundesliga at the start of May was not only about three league points, but it was also for a good cause. As part of the Wings for Life World Run, 100 Euro for each kilometre run by our team was donated to the WfL foundation. A total of 12,000 Euro was raised in total.

You guys gave even more though! A full 38,000 Euro was collected in the course of last season in buckets at the Red Bull Arena, and is now on its way to the Wings for Life foundation. You can also donate the deposit on your cups next season by leaving them at the collection points.