
A very special moment of happiness …

Dreams made reality

As part of spreading joy at Christmas time, we asked you to send us your wishes as part of our moments of happiness initiative. We received some wonderful replies that we were determined to make happen. At our home match against Austria Klagenfurt, we were able to make several wishes come true - for instance that of hardcore fan David to once warm our stadium up along with announcer Didi Ziesel. We were able to make another very special event happen with the Salzburg Special Olympics football team too...

The boys in the Special Needs Team thought they were about to take part in a tournament when our team bus suddenly appeared around the corner. No less than Alex Schlager stepped out, to the delight of the players!

Our goalie gave the boys an unforgettable day. He took them in person behind the scenes of the Red Bull Arena to give them glimpses very few get to see. As if that were not enough, the team were then able to take part in a penalty shoot-out against the Austrian international goalkeeper. A few days later they cheered us on during our Bundesliga home match as if they were part of the team.

You can see the magical moments in the video below!